Thursday, September 13, 2012

Grove City Arts in the Alley

I'm a BandGeek. I gave birth to BandGeeks.

I am the one who believes a football game is only there to allow the marching band to play.

I. Love. The. Band.

Which brings me to Arts in the Alley this weekend in the Town Center of Grove City, Ohio: THE PARADE!

Grove City High School Marching Band will be marching along with all the floats from community businesses and organizations. Did I mention the Grove City Marching Band? ;)

In honor of the Parade, Leafy Greens will be serving up hot coffee: "A Go-Buck(s) A Cup!" 

Saturday AND Sunday will be super-fun at the store!

Vendors will be here, sampling their delicious products.
We'll have gift baskets and door prizes!

The bluegrass band, Wood, Strings and Friends will play in the 

parking lot of Mill Street Market on Saturday, after the parade and 

again on Sunday, around 12:30pm

Enjoy Food, Fun and Music with us!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Weight Loss Top Ten Things to Do!

I love "Top 10" lists. They're short, sweet and to the point. Here's my Top 10 things to do in order to get the biggest bang your butt...I mean bust...NO, I mean buck!

1. Drink water. (divide body weight in half, drink that many ounces daily.)

I'm working on this by drinking high quality water that offers more nutrition than regular tap, spring or other store bought waters. I really like Function: Water. It recharges your cells, hydrates your body and keeps your muscles and nervous system working properly with electrolyte-infused vapor-distilled water.

2. Eat small, frequent meals to balance blood sugar and energy levels.

Much to my chagrin, potato chips (organic or otherwise) are NOT considered small meals. I am a crunchy-salty snacker, so that tidbit of bad news took the wind out of my sails. Then, I found Food Should Taste Good Blue Corn Tortilla Chips. They are gluten-free chips that feature a variety of grains like quinoa, blue corn, brown rice and oats as well as flax, sunflower and seseame seeds. Yummy!

 3. Eat a rainbow every day. The colors of the foods we eat are vital. The darker the veggie, the more nutrients it has, is the general rule.

For me, this is where raw juicing comes into play. I juice a cornucopia of veggies and fruits for a delicious pick-me-up of nutrient dense goodness. I was inspired by the documentary, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." If you haven't seen it, you can watch it here.

4. Aid your digestive system by eating living foods with naturally-occurring enzymes, like yogurt, apples, papayas and pineapples.

I carry NOW Food's 8-Billion Acidophilus and Bifidus. It is on my list to try, because I've had several people come into the store and encourage me to take them on a regular basis. I will definitely put it on my list!

5. Eat high-fiber foods, such as grains, beans, seeds, nuts and berries.

There are times when I have to grab it and growl when it comes to eating! That's why I'm thankful for quick, healthy "grab-its" like KIND Plus Bar. I eat the Cranberry Almond plus Antioxidants bar. So good!

6. Eat a variety of organic fruits and vegetables daily. All colors.

At Leafy Greens, we sell LOCAL natural and organic fruits and veggies. My goal is to offer as much produce and as many products from Ohio as possible.

7. Eat a variety of healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, flax, olive and grapeseed oils.

Avocado-how do I love thee? Let me count the ways! But, for sake of time, I'll share only one: Cut an avocado in half and remove the pit. Score the fruit criss-cross in small squares. Sprinkle with sea salt and scoop the bite size squares out with a spoon and enjoy! (Hands-down, my favorite way to eat avocado!)

8. Eat high quality protein foods, such as grains, beans, seeds, nuts, organic eggs, organic dairy and soy cheeses, fish from deep, cold water (salmon, halibut, tuna).

If you're anything like me, you are more busy than not. One easy way of getting protein from beans and keeping MAJOR cooking to a minimum is to make them ahead of time. On Sunday, make a big pot of beans. Use them throughout the week for your dinner recipes. You can find some great recipes here.

9. Drink teas that aid in digestion, such as peppermint, red clover, burdock, milk thistle or green tea.

I am a HUGE proponent for herbal teas and remedies. Leafy Greens has a wide variety of bulk herbs and teas to choose from. We sell it by the ounce, so you don't have to buy a large quantity, only to find out you can't stand it! There is another tea that is known for it's excellent digestive qualities. In fact it's touted as breaking down fat more efficiently and aiding in weight loss. It  is Pu-Erh Tea. Leafy Greens carries several brands and flavors.

10. Breathe deeply every day and find a form of exercise that you enjoy and do it on a regular basis.

If you can do only one thing; deep breathe! It's the quickest, easiest and most effective way to reduce stress. And, you immediately feel better! Try it!

Join me at Leafy Greens and Be Well in 2012!!